Contest Sticky

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Crazy Questions : The Bucket List and Other Oddities

Monday Crazy Questions is hosted by Lani, over at Monday Crazy Questions. You should head on over and show support by participating!

1. Do you have a bucket list?(if you have it posted feel free to post your URL) If you don't have one, then jot down 5 quick things on a piece of paper that you know you'd want on your list...or imagine some of the things you know you'd put on a Bucket list to be. (potential future list).

-No, I don't have a bucket list. If I could jot down 5 quick things though they would be : 1. Visit Italy, 2. Go on a Cruise, 3. Have the perfect wedding (hopefully within the next few years!), 4. Start a family. and 5. Meet a sexy actor (Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Shia LeBeouf, etc.)

2. Do you think you have already fulfilled anything on your bucket list or bucket list to be?

-Nope :(

3. What are the top 3 things you'd like to do before you leave this world?

- Get married, start a family, and Visit Italy.

4. If it would take a lot of money to fulfill one of your wishes on your bucket list, would you try to find the money or just skip that one?

-Try to find the money!

5. fill in the blank -Life is just a --------

-Vicious Circle.

6. fill in the blank - The glass isn't half empty it's ------

-missing :( Someone stole it!

7. If you had a chance to be with your MOST favorite entertainer in the whole world before you leave this world, who would that be and how much time would you want to spend with them?

-Nope, I wouldn't leave. They'd have to come to me :)

8. If you were given the chance to go anywhere in the world before the end comes...where would you go and what would you want to see?

-I'd like to visit Italy, because it's where my grandparents were born, and from all the photos I have seen it looks beautiful.


Lana said...

thanks much for joining in!! I thought I'd be one of a couple people who'd want to go to Rome...but a LOT of people are saying that!!!
Maybe we all should just get together and just GO! :-)

Great answers! #5 is so true!

Anonymous said...

I like your bucket list. I want to go on a cruise, too.

I am Harriet said...

hhmmm..everyone wants to go to Italy...maybe I should change my answer :)

Unknown said...

Italy is beautiful and with the low flying prices......

My answers are ::here::

Have a nice week.


i still want to go skinny dipping! at night! with my dh! (and i have wanted to for more than 20 years! i still have hopes of tricking him into it.)