Contest Sticky

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Featured Famous Birthday - July 11th

Happy Birthday!

Birthdate - July 11, 1974
Birthplace - Brooklyn, New York

You Can Find Her In :

  • She's All That (1999)
  • Juwanna Mann (2000)
  • Nora's Hair Salon (2004)
  • You Got Served (2004)
  • Superhero Movie (2008)

Followers :

  1. Now Post your Birthdate (Month/Day)
  2. I will record it for future Contest use.
  3. If your birthdate is already in my database, and it falls between the Start and Finish of a Contest that you enter, you will get an automatic extra entry.
  4. If it is not in my database, and you post your birthdate to the contest, you will get no extra entry for it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni! Thank you for swinging by my blog, (Reminder List)!

My birthday is March 23--I am a Pieces/Aries cusp, born in the year of the snake. (Probably more info than you needed.)