Title : Chrysalis : The Awakening
Author : M. L. Lacy
Publisher : AuthorHouse
Genre : Fantasy
ISBN : 978-1438959856
Series : Yes, #1 Chrysalis
Rating : 1 - Couldn't Get Into It
Description from Amazon :
All families have secrets. But at 32 years old, Bree Campbell is discovering that her entire life has been a secret. Like most people, it never occurred to her to question her mortality; that is until she learns that she is a mortal born into a family of Magicals and begins to question everything and everyone in her life.
As the doors to Bree’s new world fly open and she finally hears the prophecy told at her birth she must face the revelation that she is a Chosen One; the last and greatest of a long line of Chosen Ones. And if this were not overwhelming enough, she has been charged with saving the earth by repairing the cosmic tear that binds the mortal world she has always known and the Magical world she is just now discovering. But the real question lies in whether Bree will survive the long transformation into the powerful Druid Sorceress that is her destiny or die in the process as many before her have gone.
Bree’s journey will not be an easy one. She must face the realities of her new life and her new family; a clan of vampires who have been charged with protecting her for all of her mortal life. They have chosen her as a leader in their clan, a position that has really complicated things for her. For no sooner than Bree is finally reunited with her long lost love, Steven, Bree must learn how to navigate the jealousies and emotions within her new family. While Bree tries to free herself from her past, including her cruel and lethal husband, she must determine who she can truly trust. And while her clan loves her immensely, they will continually try to stand in her way; all in the name of protecting her from those set upon her death.
Bree’s arch nemesis is Esmeralda, a powerful sorceress in her own right who will stop at nothing until this Chosen One is dead. If Esmeralda can claim Bree’s blood, heart and soul and restore her Demon to his body, she will be so strong that none will be able to oppose her and she will be free to rid the world of all mortals and rule as she chooses.
But with the help of the Guardians and her dreams, Bree begins to awaken the powers hidden within her and begins to embrace the responsibility she has been born to. And even while these changes make her body weak, Bree begins to find an inner strength she never knew she had within herself. Will it be enough to save the world?
Review :
From the synopsis above I was intrigued to read this debut novel from new author, M.L. Lacy. When I recieved the book, I was extremely excited, and couldn't wait to start reading it. Unfortunetly, I made it just past 100 pages before I grew bored enough to say that I can not finish this novel. I'm going to have to update my Review Policy to include a 100 page Rule for moments like this.
I tried very had to get into this novel, but I just couldn't. While the concept of this book sounds intriguing, Lacy, tends to describe her characters surroundings far too much. There was a moment in the book where she started describing everyones attire, from shoes to jewelry, and I soon forgot what was even going on in the story beforehand.
One other thing that had me losing interest was the fact that most of this novel is written in short sentences. It just didn't flow nicely, and I found it difficult to enjoy the story due to this. It also switched from 1st to 3rd person point of view a lot and that just started to confuse me. I think for a first novel, Lacy had the right idea, she just didn't seem to put it into words so that I could enjoy it. I do not wish for this review to prevent you from experiencing this novel, as there were some other reviewers that seemed to enjoy it. It was actually given 5 stars by 4 different reviewers on Amazon, although I will have to give it a 1 due to my experience.
Description from Amazon :
All families have secrets. But at 32 years old, Bree Campbell is discovering that her entire life has been a secret. Like most people, it never occurred to her to question her mortality; that is until she learns that she is a mortal born into a family of Magicals and begins to question everything and everyone in her life.
As the doors to Bree’s new world fly open and she finally hears the prophecy told at her birth she must face the revelation that she is a Chosen One; the last and greatest of a long line of Chosen Ones. And if this were not overwhelming enough, she has been charged with saving the earth by repairing the cosmic tear that binds the mortal world she has always known and the Magical world she is just now discovering. But the real question lies in whether Bree will survive the long transformation into the powerful Druid Sorceress that is her destiny or die in the process as many before her have gone.
Bree’s journey will not be an easy one. She must face the realities of her new life and her new family; a clan of vampires who have been charged with protecting her for all of her mortal life. They have chosen her as a leader in their clan, a position that has really complicated things for her. For no sooner than Bree is finally reunited with her long lost love, Steven, Bree must learn how to navigate the jealousies and emotions within her new family. While Bree tries to free herself from her past, including her cruel and lethal husband, she must determine who she can truly trust. And while her clan loves her immensely, they will continually try to stand in her way; all in the name of protecting her from those set upon her death.
Bree’s arch nemesis is Esmeralda, a powerful sorceress in her own right who will stop at nothing until this Chosen One is dead. If Esmeralda can claim Bree’s blood, heart and soul and restore her Demon to his body, she will be so strong that none will be able to oppose her and she will be free to rid the world of all mortals and rule as she chooses.
But with the help of the Guardians and her dreams, Bree begins to awaken the powers hidden within her and begins to embrace the responsibility she has been born to. And even while these changes make her body weak, Bree begins to find an inner strength she never knew she had within herself. Will it be enough to save the world?
Review :
From the synopsis above I was intrigued to read this debut novel from new author, M.L. Lacy. When I recieved the book, I was extremely excited, and couldn't wait to start reading it. Unfortunetly, I made it just past 100 pages before I grew bored enough to say that I can not finish this novel. I'm going to have to update my Review Policy to include a 100 page Rule for moments like this.
I tried very had to get into this novel, but I just couldn't. While the concept of this book sounds intriguing, Lacy, tends to describe her characters surroundings far too much. There was a moment in the book where she started describing everyones attire, from shoes to jewelry, and I soon forgot what was even going on in the story beforehand.
One other thing that had me losing interest was the fact that most of this novel is written in short sentences. It just didn't flow nicely, and I found it difficult to enjoy the story due to this. It also switched from 1st to 3rd person point of view a lot and that just started to confuse me. I think for a first novel, Lacy had the right idea, she just didn't seem to put it into words so that I could enjoy it. I do not wish for this review to prevent you from experiencing this novel, as there were some other reviewers that seemed to enjoy it. It was actually given 5 stars by 4 different reviewers on Amazon, although I will have to give it a 1 due to my experience.
Thanks for your honest review.
Jessica - Thanks! I feel bad having to write a review like this..but, well, someone has to do it right? Eh..lol
It's always disappointing when we can't finish a book we're really excited about. That happened to me recently with a Charles de Lint book. For me, I have stopped reading all fantasy in which there is a "Chosen one" who has been prophesised to save the world from some unspeakable evil that is about to take over. This theme is just way to common in fantasy now. It's just gotten a little annoying. I want someone to be creative in their vision for a new story.
You are nicer than me. :) I only give 25 pages...for an ADD, that's a lot.
Yeah, I realized that..especially when some books are only about 200-300 pages long to begin with. I'm going to change it to 50-100...depending on how long to book really is. This book was over 500 pages and the first 100 pages went quick because the writing was a little larger than normal.
Exactly, not every book is for everyone. And why waste time of books not of interest?
That's too bad... I still think it sounds interesting. I actually like the whole "Chosen One" thing in fantasy fiction.
I haven't tried to read Chrysalis but this same situation happened with me lately, with another book. Unfortunately I made myself finish it, kept hoping I would get into it...I finally enjoyed the last 100 pages but it wasn't worth forcing myself through the rest of the book.
I know it's a disappointment but thanks for the honesty, I think I'll be skipping over this one in the book store lol ;]
I thought this book was AMAZING. just because one person doesn't like it, doesn't mean you won't. I was totally in the book, there were times when my heart was racing because I was there, in the room with Bree. I can't wait for book 2!! Give Chrysalis a shot, I think you might just like it!
I am a reader primarily of fantasy. I read Charlain Harris, Mary J. Davidson, and Katie McAlister just to name a few. I read the Chrysalis and I loved it. If you didn't then I suggest changing genre of books. I read the book in 4 days. When a book doesn't flow well, it takes me forever to finish it. Believe me I have came across some books like that.
I felt that the book had a natural flow to it. This made it easy for me to read. I really loved the twist she added about the vampires sharing their mates. That was totally unexpected on my part. You see I read a lot of books about vampires.
I have read the Twilight Saga 5 times. The first time I read all four books in 7 days. I can truthfully say that I found Chrysalis to be just as interesting and easy to read. I can't wait tell the next book comes out.
I hope that the other previous reviews will not keep people from trying the book. I am confident that some will find it just as good a read as I did.
Susan - I'm glad you enjoyed the book, I just couldn't get past the short sentences, and excessive detail.
Donna Brooks - Why would I have to change genre of books? Just because I couldn't get into this one book doesn't mean that I should have to change genres. I also read Katie MacAlister...should I stop because I didn't like Chrysalis?
I'm confused! I just think that was the wrong way to say how you felt about a book...telling others they should stop reading a genre because they didn't enjoy the same book as you. Sorry, not trying to get angry, but...please. Anyone else feel this way?
I agree with you. I love fantasy and sci-fi but that doesn't mean I have to like every book written by every fantasy and sci-fi author. I love vampire fiction but I think Stephanie Meyer and Charlaine Harris are terrible writers. Their visions were good but their writing skills need work. That doesn't mean I should find a new genre.
Tonya - Thank you! I didn't think I was the only one that thought that was an insane thing to say. I haven't read anything by Charlaine Harris yet, but I've had her books on my TBR for awhile now. I enjoy the True Blood series on TV though, lol.
I've read the first book in the Twilight series, and I loved it, read it in one sitting :) Haven't gotten around to reading the rest of the series though.
Truthfully, I didn't think the first book was too bad. Don't think she's a good writer but enjoyed the story. It was the second book that pissed me off. I did a whole rant and rave on it last year after I finished the book if you're interested. You should be able to just search my blog for "New Moon" or Twilight.
I love the True Blood series. That's why I wanted to read the books. Was unimpressed. Oh well, someone must have liked them or the show never would have been made so I guess I thank her for that!
Tonya - I have to agree with you on New Moon, I think EVERYONE was disappointed with that book, however the rest of the series was good. I really think you should give chrysalis a shot, yes, there was a lot of detail, but I liked that. It had some very good twists, etc. I definitely recommend it.
"All families have secrets. But at 32 years old, Bree Campbell is discovering that her entire life has been a secret. Like most people, it never occurred to her to question her mortality; that is until she learns that she is a mortal born into a family of Magicals and begins to question everything and everyone in her life. As the doors to Bree’s new world fly open and she finally hears the prophecy told at her birth she must face the revelation that she is a Chosen One; the last and greatest of a long line of Chosen Ones. And if this were not overwhelming enough, she has been charged with saving the earth by repairing the cosmic tear that binds the mortal world she has always known and the Magical world she is just now discovering. But the real question lies in whether Bree will survive the long transformation into the powerful Druid Sorceress that is her destiny or die in the process as many before her have gone. Bree’s journey will not be an easy one. She must face the realities of her new life and her new family; a clan of vampires who have been charged with protecting her for all of her mortal life. They have chosen her as a leader in their clan, a position that has really complicated things for her. For no sooner than Bree is finally reunited with her long lost love, Steven, Bree must learn how to navigate the jealousies and emotions within her new family. While Bree tries to free herself from her past, including her cruel and lethal husband, she must determine who she can truly trust. And while her clan loves her immensely, they will continually try to stand in her way; all in the name of protecting her from those set upon her death. Bree’s arch nemesis is Esmeralda, a powerful sorceress in her own right who will stop at nothing until this Chosen One is dead."
Above description provided by Amazon.com
This is a fascinating and captivating story of love, passion, politics, and magic. The characters are colorful, vibrant and believable, even the ones you never see. The first hundred pages are a bit slow, and could use a good proofreading (see excerpt below). But do not let that deter you. The early sections are highly descriptive in providing the background of the main characters. There is not a lot of plot development. But in short order, the book picks up and BAM, you find yourself in the thick of the story.
The author blends many legends and myths, and it works. She writes like an artist, with bright colors and crisp details when needed, and careful contrasting use of shadowy glimses of things to come.
"Riverside Geyser had just started its spectacular display. Strong bursts jettisoned the hot water and the cold air caused steam to rise in union with its spray out over the river.
I could feel the power of the eruption course though (sic) my body. I felt the earth shudder as the force of the water made its way up through its tubing and through the opening. I had always felt the ground shudder here, but now I was more aware of it. My entire body felt the vibration of the earth. My feet tingled from the sensation.
The wind blew the spray in our direction and I covered my camera with my cloak to protect it. I let the geyser mist sweep over me.
I watched the hill behind the geyser. Mule deer grazed undaunted by the earth's forceful bursts. They didn't watch; they had seen it many times before.
In the copse of trees just off to the left, I watched as a dark cloud moved about. Steven took no notice of the shape. It hovered in the trees and then was gone."
There is no graphic sex. But the book is still sensual with the characters' passions (both good and bad) clearly displayed. Bree, in particularly, is an incredibly strong female lead character. It is very refreshing to find a mature heroine.
This story burns brightly. Book two cannot come soon enough.
Anonymous - I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Maybe some people will read your review and want to read the book. I for one, just couldn't get into it. Even stated in your review it says the first 100 pages are slow...I couldn't get past that, lol. I gave up at around 100 pages. In my opinion that is far too long for a story to start getting good.
I agree with you review, and linked to it too. ^_^
I'm a fan of this genre, but this book didn't do anything for me. I did read more than you and almost finished the book, but I wish I stopped earlier. It has a great premise, but it wasn't executed properly.
~ Popin
Popin - Thanks for stopping by! It did have a great premise, I think there was just too much extra detail. Thanks for linking back to me!
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