Thursday, December 3, 2009
Falling Off The Shelf is Down for awhile.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Review : Random Magic by Sasha Soren

Title : Random Magic
Author : Sasha Soren
Publisher : Beach Books
Genre : Fantasy
ISBN : 978-0979777417
Series : Stand Alone
Release Date : January 1, 2010
Rating : 5/5 - Loved It.
Description from Amazon :
When absent-minded Professor Random misplaces the main character from Alice in Wonderland, young Henry Witherspoon must book-jump to fetch Alice before chaos theory kicks in and the world vanishes. Along the way he meets Winny Flapjack, a wit-cracking doodle witch with nothing to her name but a magic feather and a plan. Such as it is. Henry and Winny brave the Dark Queen, whatwolves, pirates, Struths, and fluttersmoths, Priscilla and Charybdis, obnoxiously cheerful vampires, Baron Samedi, a nine-dimensional cat, and one perpetually inebriated Muse to rescue Alice and save the world by tea time.
Trailer :
Henry Witherspoon is just your run of the mill boy. He's never really done anything truly exciting, until the day he meets Professor Random. He thinks that the old professor is truly crazy, and humors his tantrums about the missing Alice of Alice in Wonderland. Truly a character in a book could not go missing. That sure goes to show what Henry knows...
When Henry first arrives inside of the book he's been transported to he's certain that it can't be happening. There is just too many strange things and people, including Winny Flapjack, the doodle witch. If not for Winny, Henry would be lost, as she will not only become his friend but his tour guide of this strange and magical world. She introduces Henry to many new people and creatures such as, whatwolves (what?) yes!, vampires, Muses, and a nine-dimensional cat.
The world that Sasha Soren has created in Random Magic is completely and utterly engrossing. At times I had an extremely hard time peeling my eyes away from the pages. I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed the story, because the randomness of Alice in Wonderland always confused me and I would soon get bored. I had no troubles reading this novel, although it was just as random as the classic. I enjoyed the randomness, and found myself laughing out loud during some moments in the story.
I also want to point out that I absolutly love the cover of this novel. I think the cover model has a striking resemblance to Nicole Kidman, and I love the added color. I will most definitely be ordering my own copy for keeps.
Where did I get this book?
This book was circulated amongst many bloggers during a blog tour. The book/s were supplied by the author in exchange for our honest reviews.
Amazon Associates :
Clicking on cover images and links in this review will relocate you to If you choose to purchase something upon clicking these links I will receive a small percentage from the sales.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Blog Tour : Daughter Am I by Pat Bertram

Blog Tour
When twenty-five-year old Mary Stuart learns she inherited a farm from her recently murdered grandparents-grandparents her father claimed had died before she was born - she beomes obsessed with finding out who they were and why someone wanted them dead. Along the way she accumulates a crew of fiesty octogenarians-former gangsters and friends of her grandfather. She meets and falls in love with Tim Olsen, who's grandfather shared a deadly secret with her great-grandfather. Now Mary and Tim need to stay one step ahead of the killer who is desperate to dig up that secret.
About the Author
Pat Bertram is a native of Colorado and a lifelong resident. When the traditional publishers stopped publishing her favorite type of book--character and story driven novels that can't easily be slotted into a genre--she decided to write her own. Daughter Am I is Bertram's third novel to be published by Second Wind Publishing, LLC. Also available are More Deaths Than One and A Spark of Heavenly Fire.
By clicking on cover images and title links you will be redirected to In the event that you choose to purchase something after clicking these links I will receive a small percentage of the profits.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I hope you are missing me!
I've been doing a little bit of reading (and unpacking a great bit), eh. So, I'm going to drag my computer over to my place (FINALLY!), that way I can at least start writing reviews and then transfer them from computer to computer by flash drive.
I'm really missing you guys, and the book blogging community :( I'm dying without a computer, and the internet! OMG! I barely even get cell phone service out there. I actually have to walk up a hill and stand next to a electric fence to get service, the good news, there's a baby cow there to keep my company during my phone conversations, lol.
Oh, and as for giveaway winners for the past few contests, I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU, I just haven't had the time to choose I'm printing everything and taking it along with me so I can do that within the next few days. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to my parents house to siphon some internet, lol.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Update and Quick Mailbox Monday!
For Review -
Life After 187 by Wade J. Halverson (from author)
Won -
Sea Change by Aimee Friedman (from Aimee Friedman via Cindy @ Princess Bookie)
Demon Chick by Marilyn Kaye (ARC) (from J Kaye @ J Kaye's Book Blog)
I have a few reviews that need to be posted this week...I'm still holding back a few so that I can eventually post a review a day, but with the moving its getting difficult to find time to read!
The Last Queen by C.W. Gortner
If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince? by Melissa Kantor (TODAY STARTS ONCE UPON A WEEK!)
Now I'm off to try to get WildBlue to hurry up and install some internet ;)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Blog With Bite Discussion Questions : Intertwined by Gena Showalter

Here are my answers to the Blog With Bite discussion questions for this title.
#1 Do you feel the ending was cut short and needed more to be resolved before the book ended?
While the ending was sort of a cliff-hanger, I enjoyed it. It made me want to read the next book right away. Unfortunetly that's not possible until September 2010, so I'll be itching until then.
#2 Regarding Question #1, what are your thoughts on series books? For one you get more and more and more - depending on how long the series drags on - for another some series leave you with very little resolution at the end of the novels, i.e. the Merry Gentry series where only a couple of hours pass within the time span of one book. Do you find this is just an authors way of having guaranteed book sales - or do you really enjoy series and love reading about your fav characters over and over again?
I honestly LOVE reading series. If I had a choice between reading a book in a series, and a stand alone...I'd definitely go for the series. I love to learn as much about a charcter as I can, and I feel that when reading a series, you get to actually get to know those characters. Reading a stand alone just gives you a glimpse into their world, and I want the whole she-bang!
#3 Which "trapped" soul was your favorite and do you see potential in the future story lines with the remaining three?
My favorite trapped soul was Eve. She was compasionate and truly wanted the best for Aden. The others were funny, and sometimes annoying, especially when he just wanted some alone time. I can't wait to read their stories though, and I'm sure they will be just as intriguing, if not more.
#4 When a larger-than-life character such as Vlad Tepes aka Dracula is used as a side-plot character do you believe it gives the story a more factual base, or makes it less real?
I enjoyed the mention of Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula. It's nice to see an author modernize a historical character, and make them their own. Even better, was to learn a little fictional lineage.
I really enjoyed the side plot. It added a little normalcy to a world full of well, things that just aren't normal. There story isn't over yet, I can just feel it, so it wasn't adequatley resolved. I think it's just the beginning.
#6 What is your best guess as to what Aden Stone's superpower is - the power he possess without his souls?
This is a very interesting question. I honestly don't have a answer for this one, but I wish I did. I think he may just be some kind of supernatural beacon, but I can't wait to find out what his story really is.
Review : Intertwined by Gena Showalter

Title : Intertwined
Author : Gena Showalter
Publisher : HarperTeen
Genre : Young Adult - Paranormal
ISBN : 978-0373210022
Series : #1 in Series
Release Date : September 1, 2009
Rating : 4.5/5 - Very Good.
Description from Amazon :
Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human souls living inside him:
One can time-travel.
One can raise the dead.
One can tell the future.
And one can possess another human.
With no other family and a life spent in and out of institutions, Aden and the souls have become friends. But now they're causing him all kinds of trouble. Like, he'll blink and suddenly he's a younger Aden, reliving the past. One wrong move, and he'll change the future. Or he'll walk past a total stranger and know how and when she's going to die.
He's so over it. All he wants is peace.
And then he meets a girl who quiets the voices. Well, as long as he's near her. Why? Mary Ann Gray is his total opposite. He's a loner; she has friends. He doesn't care what anyone thinks; she tries to make everyone happy. And while he attracts the paranormal, she repels it. For her sake, he should stay away. But it's too late....
Somehow, they share an inexplicable bond of friendship. A bond about to be tested by a werewolf shape-shifter who wants Mary Ann for his own, and a vampire princess Aden can't resist.
Two romances, both forbidden. Still, the four will enter a dark underworld of intrigue and danger but not everyone will come out alive....
Trailer :
All through out Aden Stone's life, he has been labeled as cracy, schizophrenic, and violent. It's taken him 16 years to finally be released into a more 'normal' environment. It's almost unreal that he has the freedom to walk around a town on his own, and interact with people. Aden isn't crazy though, he's just forced to live with the souls of four others inside of his head. They constantly battle for his attention, and what makes things worse, they have abilities that Aden can't control.
Each soul has a gift for the supernatural. One can time travel, while another can raise the dead. This can get quite annoying for Aden when he is trying to live a peaceful life. It gets worse though, as the remaining two souls each have an ability as well, one being able to tell the future, more namely what will cause the death of those Aden passes in life. The last, can possess the body of another human, taking Aden and the other souls along for the ride.
Aden has made it his goal to release the souls in side of his head, so for once in his life he can have some peace. When he meets a girl that can quite the souls just by being in his presence, he is certain she will be able to help him figure out the mystery. Aden and Mary Ann have a bond that can't be broken. While they are drawn together, they are both repelled as well, knowing that something is weird about the way they feel about each other. They feel as though they are two magnets, both drawn to each other, but repelled in another.
Things only get more weird for Aden and Mary Anne as their friendship progresses. They meet a werewolf that is hell bent on having Mary Anne for his own, and a vampire princess that Aden can't help but be drawn to. While their love for one another is forbidden, they work together to enter a world full of creatures that both Aden and Mary Anne never knew existed. It will be a bumpy ride, full of surprises and danger, but they are determined to come out on the other side.
I was extremely excited to read this story, and waited eagerly for it to arrive in my mailbox after having ordered it online. It had to sit for a little bit, unfortunetly, due to catching up on a few other reviews that I had promised to have finished beforehand. When I finally was able to dig in, I couldn't stop. Within the first two hours, I was already half way through the story, and itching to find out what would happen next.
This is the first novel I have ever read by Gena Showalter, and I can honestly say I'm more excited to read more of her work than ever. While there was so much going on in this story, it all meshed together very nicely. I thought that by focusing on four characters in this book, plus the souls of four others, it was going to be a jumbled mess. Interwined, was in fact, an action packed rollar coaster with lots of dips and turns.
The story was addicting, and when I finally hit that last page I was eager to know what would happen next with Aden and his friends. Luckily, Showalter has a sequel in the works called, Unraveled, and all I can say is that I absolutly can't wait to get my hands on it, it scheduled for release in September of 2010. In this first installment, Showalter's characters are so well-rounded, and intriguing. I can only imagine how they will progress over time, and itch for the chance at another adventure.
Where did I get this book? :
I ordered my copy of Intertwined by Gena Showalter from, in order to participate in the Blog With Bite discussion.
Amazon Affiliate :
Clicking on cover images, or title link in this review will relocate you to If you choose to purchase a copy of Intertwined by Gena Showalter upon clicking the links, I will receive a small percentage of the sales.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Featured Book, Guest Post & Contest : Spoon by Robert Greer

Release Date : October 1, 2009
Description from Amazon :
“An enormously engaging novel with characters who feel like old friends and a spirit as big as the West. From the opening paragraphs, you are in the hands of a master with the ability to evoke the grandeur of the still untamed western landscape and the folks whose lives are shaped by it. What a gifted storyteller Robert Greer is! Spoon is the kind of story you will remember.”—Margaret Coel, author of The Silent Spirit.
His hat was a snow white Tom Mix block, and he wore it tipped forward just enough to shade his eyes. When I asked him what had happened to his shoes, he said, "Shoes can be excess baggage when a man's in a hurry."
A novel of the contemporary American West, Spoon tells the story of Arcus Witherspoon, a mysterious half-black, half-Indian, oddly clairvoyant man searching the West for his roots. Hitchhiking near Hardin, Montana, Spoon falls in with a ranching family struggling to keep their ranch afloat amidst the pressures of hard economic times and an encroaching coal company. Proving himself a gifted ranch hand and mentor, Spoon charges himself with rescuing the Darleys and guiding the family's teenage son TJ on his path to manhood. While Spoon's checkered past includes a prison stint and a navy tour of Vietnam, it is his tenacity, wisdom, and charm that end up defining this quintessential Western man.

Robert Greer is author of the popular CJ Floyd mystery series: The Devil’s Hatband, The Devil’s Red Nickel, The Devil’s Backbone, Resurrecting Langston Blue, The Fourth Perspective, The Mongoose Deception, and Blackbird, Farewell, as well as two medical thrillers and a short-story collection entitled Isolation and Other Stories. He is a practicing pathologist and professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, and he owns a cattle ranch in Wyoming. Please visit his author website,
Guest Post
I’m typically a writer of suspense novels and mystery fiction. My latest novel, Spoon, therefore, proved to be a unique and very different writing challenge since it is largely a piece of literary fiction with a dominant western setting.
The novel’s plot revolves around a mysterious, oddly clairvoyant half-black, half-Indian cowboy named Arcus Witherspoon, aka Spoon, who is searching for his family roots out West. All he knows about his family is that his great-grandfather was a buffalo soldier who once fought alongside Kit Carson. As Spoon wanders the state of Montana he stumbles across a ranching family down on their luck. That family, the Darleys, are embroiled in a battle with a coal company intent on usurping their land. Spoon uses his tenacity, wit, and future-seeing powers to help the family deal with the coal company’s encroachment. At the same time, he helps their nineteen-year-old son, TJ, become a man.
The novel’s contemporary Montana backdrop essentially serves as a character itself as I explore the role of ranching in rapidly changing modern times.
Spoon, the novel, arose from a similarly titled short story I wrote when I was in my Boston University graduate creative writing program twenty-odd years ago. That story, published in a literary magazine, had characters and a plot that stuck with me over the years. There was something about the loner-drifter character of Spoon and his on-again, off-again attachment to larger society that I could never quite get out of my head. I suspect that’s because Spoon’s character shares some of the elements of the loner-gun fighter depicted in the classic Western novel Shane, a book I’ve always admired.
Spoon also gave me the opportunity to portray the hard-nosed western female character I am fond of: the bright–spirited, resilient woman of the high western plains. In Marva Darley, I got that chance.
All in all, Spoon was a refreshing break from the mysteries and thrillers that I normally write, and I suspect there’s another literary novel out there to be written soon.
Contest & Privacy Policy
Thanks to Erin @ Fulcrum Publishing, I am able to give away 5 copies of the title Spoon by Robert Greer.
To enter please fill out the form below, answering all required questions.
By entering your information below you are giving me permission to contact you by email if you win. This product is shipped directly from the publisher, so in the event that you win your address will be forwarded to them for distribution purposes. Address will not be sold, or given out for any other purpose
If by chance you are under the age of 18, please have your parent or guardian email me at to give acceptance of prize permission.
For extra entry - Post a comment below!
U.S. & Canada Residents Only. No PO Boxes.
As soon as this contest is considered over, I will remove the following entrant form.
Teaser Tuesday - October 27th

Hosted by Should Be Reading
Anyone can play along!
Just do the following :
1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share 2 teaser sentences from anywhere on that page.
5. Share the book title and author so others can wishlist the book.
My Teaser :
Before he could blink, Victoria was once again in his face, pushing him backward until he slammed into a tree and lost his breath. He'd wanted her near him, but not like this. Not angry.
Her lips pulled back from her teeth, revealing sharp white fangs. "You would be running in terror if you knew."
pg. 131

Clicking on the above cover image for Intertwined by Gena Showalter will redirect you to If you choose to purchase after clicking this link I will receive a small percentage of sales.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mailbox Monday - October 26th

Symptoms of a Broken Heart by Cory Cramer (Trade Paperback)
September 1, 2009 - Supplied by author upon their request for me to review.
The author also sent along a previous mini-series called Losing Latitude.

The Manufactured Identity by Heath Sommer (Trade Paperback)
June 23, 2009 - Supplied by author upon their request for me to review.
Ciao Bella by Gina Buonaguro & Janice Kirk (Hardcover)
October 13, 2009 - Suppled by author upon their request for me to review.
For Graziella, the quiet, cultured life she lived in Venice with her musician husband, Ugo, was everything she could have hoped for. But when Italy allied itself with Nazi Germany in 1940, her world changed forever. Ugo, trading in his violin for a gun, joined the Resistance, while Graziella was forced to seek refuge at his family’s farm in the nearby Euganean Hills. “Just until the war is over,” Ugo had promised, but it has been months now since the Nazis retreated, and no one has seen him since.
With Ugo gone, it seems as if she will be trapped forever on this remote farm with her lost husband’s difficult family. So when an American soldier named Frank is stranded on the mountain, Graziella embraces this unexpected chance at being happy again. But as tempting as it is to leave behind this war-torn country and her painful memories for a new life in America, can she go without learning her husband’s fate?
With quiet grace and humor, Ciao Bella explores the possibilities of love and redemption in the wake of war, showing that some of the hardest decisions come only after the fighting has stopped.
Mom? Long gone.
Me? Well, that's the scary part.
The Real World is a frightening place. Just ask sixteen-year-old orphan Dru Anderson, a tough girl who has taken down her fair share of bad guys. She's armed, dangerous, and ready to kill first and ask questions later. So it's gonna take her a while to figure out who she can trust . . .
Dru Anderson has been 'strange' for as long as she can remember, travelling from town to town with her father to hunt the things that go bump in the night. It's a weird life, but a good one – until it all explodes in an icy, broken-down Dakota town, when a hungry zombie busts through her kitchen door. Alone, terrified, and trapped, Dru's going to need every inch of her wit and training to stay alive. The monsters have decided to hunt back – and this time, Dru's on their menu. Chances of survival? Slim to none.
If she can't last until sunup, it's game over . . .
Halley and Scarlett have been best friends for years, sharing secrets, clothes, and crushes. People know Scarlett as the popular, flamboyant one; Halley is just her quiet sidekick. Then, at the beginning of their junior year, the balance shifts. First, Scarlett's boyfriend Michael is killed in a motorcycle accident; soon afterward, she learns that she is carrying his baby. For the first time, Scarlett really needs Halley. Their friendship may bend under the weight, but it will never break--because a true friendship is a promise you keep forever.
Quincie Morris has never felt more alone. Her parents are dead, and her hybrid-werewolf first love is threatening to embark on a rite of passage that will separate them forever. Then, as she and her uncle are about to unveil their hot vampire-themed restaurant, a brutal murder leaves them scrambling for a chef. Can Quincie transform their new hire into a culinary Dark Lord before opening night? Can he wow the crowd in his fake fangs, cheap cape, and red contact lenses — or is there more to this earnest face than meets the eye? As human and preternatural forces clash, a deadly love triangle forms, and the line between predator and prey begins to blur. Who’s playing whom? And how long can Quincie play along before she loses everything? TANTALIZE marks Cynthia Leitich Smith’s delicious debut as a preeminent author of dark fantasy.
Storm of Shadows by Christina Dodd (MMP)
September 1, 2009 - Paperbackswap
Brilliant Rosamund Hill has lived her life buried in academia, discounting the legend of the Chosen as a myth-then Aaron Eagle shows up at her door. With the promise of a love that will defy fate itself, Rosamund is forced to confront the truth about the Chosen...and the dangerous man who sweeps her into a world of dark secrets.
What did you receive this week? Feel free to post below, or even leave a link to your mailbox!
Weekly Recap : October 19th - 25th

What happened last week?
**Read - The Last Queen by C.W. Gortner (review soon!)
**Read and Reviewed - Ginger High by Melissa Burmester (blog tour)
What's happening this week?
The way things have been going lately - I haven't been able to fulfil my goals of each week. Please note, that these are the things I TRY to finish, although, don't always work out.
**Review - The Last Queen by C.W. Gortner
**Read and Review - Intertwined by Gena Showalter (Blog With Bite)
**Read - If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince? by Melissa Kantor (Once Upon a Week)
**Read and Review - Nibble & Kuhn by Schmahmann
Upcoming Contests :
5 Copies of Show No Fear by Marliss Melton
5 Copies of Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen
Friday, October 23, 2009
Princess Bookie's Awesome Read-A-Thon Giveaway Event!

Win Hush Hush or Once a Witch (ARCs)
Win Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink (audio)
Win Identical - Wake - Monstrumologist
Win The Tear Collector
Win Switch or Snap by Carol Snow
Win Possessions by Nancy Holder
Win Local Girls or Rich Boys
Win Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb
Win Geek Charming by Robin Palmer (3 ARCs)
Win City of Ashes & Girls Stay in Picture
Win Language of Flowers
Win Vamped by Lucienne Diver
Win Take Me There by Susanne Colasanti
Win What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook
Win Secret Society by Tom Dolby - Ankh Tattoo
Win The Debs by Susan McBride
Win Beguiled by D.Gist and J Mark Bertrand
There may still be some more contests added to the list! So make sure you keep checking back!
Blog Tour & Contest - Ginger High by Melissa Burmester

by Melissa Burmester
Blog Tour
Read My Review
Description from Amazon :
Ginger High is no ordinary school. It is a school for students with special powers. Many years ago people came to Earth from the Kingdom of Animist, a parallel universe. Two long time friends, Matthias and Amanta, attended the school and then returned home to Animist. The school has had many unexplained deaths. Daisy Fisher attends the school after her old school burns down. Matthias and Amanta are called back to the school to help solve the mysteries. What are powers? And what is with this crazy school? Welcome to Ginger High.
Trailer :
About the Author
Melissa Burmester is 14 years old and is presently living with her parents and twin brother in East Moriches, NY. She has been writing about vampires and the supernatural since she was 12 years old, although Ginger High is her first novel. She attends West Hampton Beach High School, and plans to be a writer and teacher.
Thanks to author Melissa Burmester I am able to give away 2 copies of Ginger High. In order to enter please fill out the form below with all the neccessary answers.
Extra Entry - Leave a comment below!
Privacy Policy
In the event that you win your address will only be forwarded to the author for prize distribution. The author, or myself, will not distribute it for any other purpose.
If you win, and you are under the age of 18, please have a parent or guardian email me for permissions to have the prize sent to you.
Deadline November 6, 2009 @ 11:59 PM Est.
US Residents Only, sorry!
Review : Ginger High by Melissa Burmester

Author : Melissa Burmester
Rating : 2 - Okay
Ginger High is no ordinary school. It is a school for students with special powers. Many years ago people came to Earth from the Kingdom of Animist, a parallel universe. Two long time friends, Matthias and Amanta, attended the school and then returned home to Animist. The school has had many unexplained deaths. Daisy Fisher attends the school after her old school burns down. Matthias and Amanta are called back to the school to help solve the mysteries. What are powers? And what is with this crazy school? Welcome to Ginger High.
Review :
Ginger High is for special students. These students have an array of talents that no normal person is bestowed. People with these talents descended from a parallel universe called Animist, although some are unaware that is truly where they are from. When unexplained deaths start occuring at Ginger High, two long time friends, Matthias and Amanta return to Ginger High to help solve the mysteries.
Daisy Fisher is a young student of Ginger High. She comes from another town, and was forced to go to Ginger High after her own school was burned down. She will have to learn the ropes at Ginger High, and understand what it means to have powers.
This was a really quick read, although it didn't have as much appeal for me as I expected it to. I was confused with how the story jumped around between narrators, and there was some gaps in the story. The actually idea for this story was a great idea, and that is why I kept on.
Halfway through this story I was wondering about the author, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Melissa Burmester is only 14 years old. This is when I realized the mistakes of the novel and lack of characterization came from. This is her first novel, and she has plenty of time left in life to expand and learn from her mistakes. I'm very curious to see where this series will go, and especially curious as to how the author will transform in her work.
Monday, October 19, 2009
New Authors Challenge 2010

January 1st, 2010 - December 31st, 2010
1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.
2. Since this is an author challenge, there is no restriction on choosing your novels. They can definitely be from other challenges. However, the authors must be new to you and, preferably from novels. Anthologies are a great way to try someone new, but only a third of your new authors can be from anthologies.
3. I want this to be an easy challenge, so you can pick to do either 15, 25 or 50 new authors. It all depends on how fast you read and how adventurous you want to be. For me, I’m trying another 50 new authors. If you reach your goal halfway through the year, don’t stop. Any new author you try can be added to Mr. Linky. We all want to know about your new experience.
4. After reading your new author, write your review and then come back here and add your link to Mr. Linky. Make sure you include your name and the author, but adding the title is completely up to you.
5. Bloggers or Non-Bloggers alike are welcome.
Sign Up Here
I'm personally going to choose to do the 50 new authors. I've already read over 50 books for this year, and have read nearly 30 new authors. That is only since starting my blog, so I can only imagine what the coming year has in store for me. I will list them as I go!
Mailbox Monday - October 19th

Unconventional by J.J. Hebert (Trade Paperback)
July 10, 2009 - Supplied by author after he requested for me to review.

Under the Amoral Bridge : A Cyberpunk Novel by Gary A Ballard (Trade Paperback)
January 31, 2008 - 2 Copies were supplied by the author upon his request for me to review and host a giveaway.
Artemis Bridge is the know-to, go-to guy, the amoral fixer in 2028 Los Angeles with the connection for any illicit desire no matter how depraved. He prides himself on remaining above it all, but when an associate dies in his arms, he is burdened with a damaging video of the current mayor he can't sell or trade. With assassins dogging his every step, he has only days before the corrupt mayor is re-elected, handing Chronosoft corporation complete control. This taut futuristic thriller is the debut novel by Gary A. Ballard, originally published serially on the World Wide Web at
Spellbinder by Helen Stringer (ARC)
September 29, 2009 - Requested from Shelf Awareness
Belladonna Johnson can see ghosts. It’s a trait she’s inherited from her mother’s side of the family, like blue eyes or straight hair. And it’s a trait she could do without, because what twelve-year-old wants to be caught talking to someone invisible?
It is convenient, though, after Belladonna’s parents are killed in a car accident. They can live with her the same as always, watching the same old TV shows in their same old house. Nothing has changed . . . until everything changes.
One night, with no warning, they vanish into thin air—along with every other ghost in the world. It’s what some people think ghosts are supposed to do, but Belladonna knows it’s all wrong. They may not be living, but they’re not supposed to be gone.
With the help of her classmate Steve, a master of sneaking and spying, Belladonna is left to uncover what’s become of the spirits and to navigate a whole world her parents have kept well-hidden. If she can’t find her way, she’ll lose them again—this time for good.

Arcadia Snips and the Steamwork Consortium by Robert Rodgers (Trade Paperback) - Supplied by the author after his request for me to review.
"In an era of bygone anachronisms and steam-powered ambulatory engines, a sharp-witted street-thief with a heart of semi-precious metal finds herself locked in a battle of wits against a secret plot to bring the city she loves to its knees. Arcadia will need to enlist the help of a reformed mad scientist, a stern suffragette, and a persnickety pigeon to unravel the mysterious past of the Steamwork Consortium - and stop the cabal of sinister mathematicians who would use that past to destroy all of Aberwick."
"Arcadia Snips and the Steamwork Consortium is both a cautionary tale against reckless mathematics and an accurate historical account all rolled up into one. In fact, the story is so accurate that you might consider it more of a history lecture than an illustrated novel."
A Highlander's Temptation by Sue-Ellen Welfonder (MMP)
October 1, 2009 - Requested from Hatchette Book Group
But theirs is a forbidden love. The MacKenzies drove the MacConachers from their lands and destroyed their honor. Now, Darroc can use this sapphire-eyed seductress to shatter his foes. Yet how can he deny the passion that burns between him and Arabella, and ruin the one woman who touches his very soul?
And why shouldn't I tell? They deserve to lose it all. With every crumpled note, wicked IM, and vindictive text message I send, I'll be taking these pretty little liars down. Trust me, I've got enough dirt to bury them alive.

Intertwined by Gena Showalter (HC)
September 1, 2009 - Bought from for $9.99, great bargain! This is the current Blog With Bite discussion book.
One can time-travel.
One can raise the dead.
One can tell the future.
And one can possess another human.
With no other family and a life spent in and out of institutions, Aden and the souls have become friends. But now they're causing him all kinds of trouble. Like, he'll blink and suddenly he's a younger Aden, reliving the past. One wrong move, and he'll change the future. Or he'll walk past a total stranger and know how and when she's going to die.
He's so over it. All he wants is peace.
And then he meets a girl who quiets the voices. Well, as long as he's near her. Why? Mary Ann Gray is his total opposite. He's a loner; she has friends. He doesn't care what anyone thinks; she tries to make everyone happy. And while he attracts the paranormal, she repels it. For her sake, he should stay away. But it's too late....
Somehow, they share an inexplicable bond of friendship. A bond about to be tested by a werewolf shape-shifter who wants Mary Ann for his own, and a vampire princess Aden can't resist.
Two romances, both forbidden. Still, the four will enter a dark underworld of intrigue and danger but not everyone will come out alive....
Lucy is seventeen when she discovers that the women of her family have been cursed through the generations, forced to attempt three seemingly impossible tasks or to fall into madness upon their child's birth. But Lucy is the first girl who won't be alone as she tackles the list. She has her fiercely protective foster parents and her childhood friend Zach beside her. Do they have love and strength enough to overcome an age-old evil?
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (HC)
March 10, 2009 - Yay Bookmooch again!
But, slowly, Mary's truths are failing her. She's learning things she never wanted to know about the Sisterhood and its secrets, and the Guardians and their power, and about the Unconsecrated and their relentlessness. When the fence is breached and her world is thrown into chaos, she must choose between her village and her future - between the one she loves and the one who loves her. And she must face the truth about the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Could there be life outside a world surrounded in so much death?
Weekly Recap : October 12th - 18th

What happened last week?
**Reviewed - Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough (wait for it!)
**Reviewed - Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
**Read and Reviewed - Covet by J.R. Ward (Blog With Bite)
**Read and Reviewed - Playing House by Fredrica Wagman
**Reviewed - CSN Bookshelf
**Started Reading - The Last Queen by C.W. Gortner
Contests & Promotions Posted :
5 Copies of The Smart One and the Pretty One by Claire LaZebnik - Deadline October 30th, 2009 @ Midnight!
What's happening this week?
**Reading and Reviewing - The Last Queen by C.W. Gortner
**Reading and Reviewing - Ginger High by Melissa Burmester (Blog Tour)
**Reading - Intertwined by Gena Showalter (Blog With Bite)
**Reading - If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince? by Melissa Kantor (Once Upon a Week)
I'm hoping to get a few more in than this, but it may not happen, arghhh.
Upcoming Contests :
5 Copies of Show No Fear by Marliss Melton
5 Copies of Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Random Magic Tour Has Started!

Alright folks! Today is a very special day! It's the start of the Random Magic Tour! OMG!
Random Magic is by Sasha Soren and it is a modern retelling of Alice in Wonderland. Listed below is our tour schedule, so please go check out all the wonderful blogs to find out how much they enjoyed this story. This is going to be a really fun tour to watch!
October 17 -
Michelle’s Book Blog
October 18 -
My Fluttering Heart
October 20 -
Well-Read Reviews
October 22 -
A Passion For Books
October 24 -
And Anything Bookish
October 25 -
The Neverending Shelf
October 26 -
Trisha’s Book Blog
October 27 -
The Bookette
October 28 -
Book Junkie
October 29 -
Take Me Away
October 30 -
Ellz Readz
October 31 -
A Reader’s Adventure
November 2 -
Beyond Books
November 3 -
The O.W.L. Blog
November 4 -
Tales of Whimsy
November 9 -
Keep On Booking
November 10 -
Queen of Happy Endings
November 11 -
Tina’s Book Reviews
November 12 -
The Book Owl
November 13 -
Red House Books
November 15 -
What Book Is That?
***November 17 -
Fallling Off The Shelf
November 18 -
November 20 -
Wicked Good Reads
November 21 -
The True Book Addict
November 23 -
The Little Bookworm
November 24 -
Strange & Random Happenstance
November 25 -
La Femme Readers
Review on Saturday : Bookshelf from CSN Furniture!
This first picture is of how it arrived at my house. It arrived on a really really nasty day, the poor delivery guy was soaking wet, but nothing inside my package got ruined so obviously they did a good job! Oh yeah, my fiance was holding it up while I took the there's his hand up top...and his foot at the bottom, lol. If you click on the pic it will take you to the product page for this specific model.
Luckily, there weren't many pieces to deal with, because my fiance told me it was MY job to put it together. I gawked at him..he usually does this kind of stuff for me! I'm a ditz when it comes to this stuff! I figured it out though...
Overall I'm really pleased with the outcome. It fits a lot of books, thankfully, and it holds up pretty well. If I happen to go out and buy another bookshelf in the future, I may have to contact CSN Furniture for my next purchase!