Annyywho, now you know a little about me :) Oh and other good news...my D-Day finally dropped off at work, so now I'm free to transfer to another store! YES! After a year, there is nothing holding me back. Although, I never should have gotten in trouble in the first place...they put me in the 'walmart slammer' all because I had 75 lbs of hot dogs fall on my head! Yeah, hurt A LOT!
Ok..enough of me talking, I'm in a talkative mood..lol. Here's the run down on what happened last week..and what's going on this week!
What happened last week?
**Read and Reviewed : Love You to Death by Shannon K. Butcher
**Read and Reviewed : Chosen by Desire by Kate Perry
**Read : Soul Catcher by Leigh Bridger
-Alright, I didn't get around to starting Hush Hush. Eek. I've gotta skip it now and start with a new book for this week. It's not far on my TBR list though, don't worry!
Contests & Promotions posted :
5 Copies of So Into You by Sandra Hill - Ends October 14th @ Midnight!
What's happening this week?
**Reading and Reviewing : Day By Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne (Blog Tour on the 9th)
**Reading and Reviewing : Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (B&N First Reads)
**Reading and Reviewing : The Last Queen by C.W. Gortner
**Reading : Playing House by Fredrica Wagman
Upcoming Contests :
5 Copies of The Smart One and The Pretty One by Claire LaZebnik
5 Copies of Show No Fear by Marliss Melton
Can't wait for Hush Hush to come in!
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