1. The Recipe Club by Andrea Israel & Nancy Garfinkel (FSB Media)
2. Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen (Hatchette Books)
3. Day by Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne (Pocket Books)
Won :
From and By Jocelyn Drake :
1. Nightwalker (signed)
2. Dayhunter (signed)
3. Dawnbreaker (signed)
4. Unbound (signed)
She also sent me magnets featuring Nightwalker, Dayhunter, and Dawnbreaker! I was really really excited about those...cause I'm a collector of bookish magnets :)
From Katiebabs @ Babbling About Books and More!
1. Shadowlight by Lynn Viehl
2. Viking Heat by Sandra Hill
3. Bridegroom by Linda Lael Miller
4. Sliding Home by Kate Angell
5. Thirteen Chances by Cindy Miles
6. Romancing the Pirate by Michelle Beattie
7. A Dark Love by Margaret Carroll
8. To Wed a Wicked Earl by Olivia Parker
9. Devil in my Bed by Celeste Bradley
10. On the Edge by Ilona Andrews
11. The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber
I was ecstatic when I read that I won this contest! I was even more excited when the books arrived :) Katie also sent a card saying she hopes I enjoy the books (I most definitely will!), along with one of her business cards for Babbling About Books and More! I thought that was really cool..maybe I'll make business cards..lol.
Bookmooch :
1. Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
2. Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson (from Cindy @ Princess Bookie! Thanks!)
3. Alibi Junior High by Greg Logsted (from Cindy @ Princess Bookie! Thanks!)
4. The Geek Girls Guide to Cheerleading by Charity Tahmaseb & Darcy Vance
So what did you receive this past week?
WOW..you win for most books received last week. enjoy.
Wow, any more and you would have needed a wide angle lens. Lol! It looks like you will be busy for quite a while. Enjoy!
Congrats on your wins.
Diane - I'm sure theres someone who got more than me! Really..lol. I think it's just all be building up cause my mailbox has been pretty bare lately.
Kaye - Thanks! My little sister was tired of carrying packages in, that's for sure.
And I thought I had a lot at 20 book lol. Great haul last week =)
Wow, great books. Enjoy reading them. :)
Yay! You got Sliding Home too! I want to read that one, along with the Illona Andrews book! yay!
Wow you got great books this week! Happy Reading :)
You have been splashed...
very awesome week! enjoy!
OMG! You have the coolest books!
Thanks J.Kaye! I thought so too :) Although, I may be moving, so I'm going to have to collect a LOT of boxes for them all. Luckily I work at walmart and can snag some really heavy duty ones. (The boxes that the big tubs of Country Crock butter comes in are awesome!) lol. - Thats a lil off topic? Oh well..
Wow!!! That's quite a list you have there! I hope you enjoy yourself! Happy reading!
I have a ton of business cards from Vista Print. :D
Goodness, did anyone else win anything this week. Sounds like you got it all. Congrats!
I'm so jealous you won KB's and Jocelynn's contests. Lucky duck!! Have fun =D
OMG!! Those Jocelyn Drake ones!! Congratulations. How awesome!!
Wow, look at all those books! They look really good. I haven't read most of them so I'm gonna add them to my list. I've got to get on Bookmooch ASAP too. Looks like you had a great week. I got mine posted too, but just getting around to see others posts.
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