First, I'd just like to thank all of my wonderful readers out there for coming back here each day! It's been a very fun 2 months for me here at Falling Off The Shelf, and I'm trying my hardest to keep this place alive. I never realised how much work blogging takes out of a person! Wow!
Lately, if I'm not updating here, I'm reading so I can post my reviews here. I'm spending a lot of my time with this whole reviewing business, and I'M LOVING IT. That's not to say that my fiance is loving me on the computer all the time..haha, fat chance!
I do want to point out, I have been a slacker. No really, I have been! I haven't been keeping up with the weekly memes that are so fun for me. So, I've decided that I'm only going to be taking part in a few specific memes each week instead of the million thousand (yeah that makes no sense, but do I care?) memes I was doing to begin with. From now on, you can look forward to Mailbox Monday, Teaser Tuesday, Waiting On Wednesday (only when I have a book that I can think of that I seriously am waiting on), Friday 56, and Friday Finds (also, if I come across something that interests me!)..
I've also decided that I'm going to give you guys more updates each week! Yes, no more sitting in the dark. Each week, probably on Monday I will be giving you the rundown of what will be happening that week, as well as a recap of the previous week!
I know I haven't been posting a lot of reviews lately...AHHH..but to tell you the truth the books I have been reading are for Blog Tours and I'm posting those reviews on the day of the blog tour!
One more thing...
I'm thinking about changing my layout! The thing is, I'm a complete ditz when it comes to this kind of stuff. Heck, the layout I have I found on another website and just copied it into my blogger settings. I'm looking to create something that screams Falling Off The Shelf. I'm thinking, that birdie up there may be cute, but it's not a depiction of what this blog is all about. If you can help me I'd be eternally in your debt! I'm going to need a new header, and layout with perty colors...but mind you, I'm html iliterate. EEK.
So my fantabulous readers! Can you help me? Know someone who makes snazzy layouts that might be able to work with me...?
If you have any questions or suggestions I welcome them with open arms!
Until next time...(which will probably be in about 20 seconds when I post my Friday 56 and Friday Finds, hehe).....
Lately, if I'm not updating here, I'm reading so I can post my reviews here. I'm spending a lot of my time with this whole reviewing business, and I'M LOVING IT. That's not to say that my fiance is loving me on the computer all the time..haha, fat chance!
I do want to point out, I have been a slacker. No really, I have been! I haven't been keeping up with the weekly memes that are so fun for me. So, I've decided that I'm only going to be taking part in a few specific memes each week instead of the million thousand (yeah that makes no sense, but do I care?) memes I was doing to begin with. From now on, you can look forward to Mailbox Monday, Teaser Tuesday, Waiting On Wednesday (only when I have a book that I can think of that I seriously am waiting on), Friday 56, and Friday Finds (also, if I come across something that interests me!)..
I've also decided that I'm going to give you guys more updates each week! Yes, no more sitting in the dark. Each week, probably on Monday I will be giving you the rundown of what will be happening that week, as well as a recap of the previous week!
I know I haven't been posting a lot of reviews lately...AHHH..but to tell you the truth the books I have been reading are for Blog Tours and I'm posting those reviews on the day of the blog tour!
One more thing...
I'm thinking about changing my layout! The thing is, I'm a complete ditz when it comes to this kind of stuff. Heck, the layout I have I found on another website and just copied it into my blogger settings. I'm looking to create something that screams Falling Off The Shelf. I'm thinking, that birdie up there may be cute, but it's not a depiction of what this blog is all about. If you can help me I'd be eternally in your debt! I'm going to need a new header, and layout with perty colors...but mind you, I'm html iliterate. EEK.
So my fantabulous readers! Can you help me? Know someone who makes snazzy layouts that might be able to work with me...?
If you have any questions or suggestions I welcome them with open arms!
Until next time...(which will probably be in about 20 seconds when I post my Friday 56 and Friday Finds, hehe).....
Aww Jenni you're no slacker! I love your posts and their done on a daily basis, so I dunno what the heck you're talking about lol. Um as for your layout I don't really know anyone who makes them, I found mine on this site though: http://www.pyzam.com/bloggertemplates - They have a nice selection of layouts..anywho hope I helped!
www.thecutestblogontheblock.com has some cute ones. Also, Hot Bliggity Blog has a lot of great choices. That's where I got mine from. I am not sure of their exact web address but I am sure if you google Hot Bliggity Blog, they will pop up! Have fun changing your page...it really is fun, once you get the hang of it. I am about computer-illiterate as they come, and I was able to do it...I have faith in you!
Have a great weekend!
woow...i thought you were an old pro at this! very impressive!
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