Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Falling Off The Shelf : Quoted
Teaser Tuesdays - June 30th

Anyone can play along! Just do the following :
1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from anywhere on that page.
4. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (be sure that what you share doesn't give to much away, you don't want to ruin the book for others.)
5. Share the title & author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Mailbox Monday - June 29th

Hosted by The Printed Page
A Circle Of Souls by Preetham Grandhi
No Mad by Sam Moffie
The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen
Angel of Mercy by Toni Andrews
Monday Crazy Questions : Likes or Dislikes

1. What would you say is your biggest blessing?
-I'd have to say that my dog is my biggest blessing. She's like my baby, because I bottle fed her from a pup, and she's the most beautiful creature in the world. When I was lonely (not completely, I lived with my boyfriend and his family, although it was 350 miles from my original home), and I had no one during the day but myself when everyone was at home...I had her to take care of. If not for her I think I would have gone insane, and I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost her.
2. Do you shop on ine...Home goods or personal items? Can you tell us what personal items you look for??
-I shop online every once in a blue moon. I buy books online (although I swap them more often now), as well as DVDs and some games that we can't seem to find around here. I've also shopped for lingerie on Victoria Secret's website, but haven't done that in a very long time.
3. Name a song from your past that you have always loved. What year was it recorded?
-From the moment my boyfriend played Stay With You by John Legend, I've loved it. We were fighting (arguing really), and he turned it on and started singing to me. I started crying, and everytime I hear it I cry. It's such a sweet song, and it makes me realize how much I love him, and what we've been through together.
4. If you found out there was a pedophile living in your neighborhood, would you take any action or ignore the fact??
-Well, we actually do have one. I want to wring his neck and leave him out to dry, but everything is still pending. I stay as far away from him as I can, as does everyone else.
5. If you could live in any city In the USA...what would it be?
-I honestly don't know. I haven't been to a lot of places in the US, so I'm not sure if I would even like any other place but here. I've visited Florida, and would love to live there, just don't know what city. I've lived in NY, and there's nothing special about that. I think I'm content where I am right now.
6. What is the one city you wouldn't live in even if you were paid to!?
-Uh...I'd have to say Manhattan. It's a great place to visit, but it's too crowded! I'd never get any sleep.
7. If you were strapped for cash would you ask a parent or sibling for money?
-As much as I hate to say it, yes I have and do this. I hate asking anyone for money, but I always pay it back!
8. What is your most favorite thing to do to relax when you are not working?
-Read, or watch one of my favorite TV Shows. I also love to just sit back and play Full Tilt Poker online, or The Sims 3 :)
Musing Monday - June 29th

Musing Mondays
Hosted by Just One More Page
Now that we’ve come to the middle of the year, what do you think of your 2009 reading so far? Read anything interesting that you’d like to share? Any outstanding favourites?
I Was Nominated! - The Humane Award

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Review : The Satanic Mill by Otfried Preussler

Krabat is plagued by dreams of a voice, telling him to come to the mill in the Kosel of Fen, although he knows not where this is. He ignores it for the better of two days, and on the third day he decides he must go to this mill. On arriving at the mill he is met by the Miller, he informs Krabat that he will be his apprentice, and gives him room and board. He awakes in the middle of the night to eleven ghostly faces, claiming they are the Miller's journeymen, and for not to fear because they will not harm him.
It is not long before Krabat realizes that things are very strange here at the mill in the Kosel of Fen, and he's determined to find out what is going on. It is not right for young men to be able to do magic, although it is quite helpful at times, and he must know everything that is happening, and why.
This was yet another book that was dropped into my hands by a friend from work. He insisted that it was an excellent book, and that I just "had to read it". I picked it up not even two days ago, and started digging into it. I soon realized, that yes, it was good. I enjoyed the aspect of magic from this book, although there was quite a lot of repetition, and that began to grow annoying for me. The book is set into three parts, each being what goes on in Krabat's three years of being at the Mill. Each part was basically the same, although characters changed, and some events were a little different, or just explained more. I had to give this book a 3 for rating, because yes, I did like it, but it's not something I could say I loved.
Saturday 9 - June 27th

In Memory of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday Finds - June 26th

Blood Ninja by Nick Lake
Publisher : Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
ISBN : 978-1416986270
Release Date : December 1, 2009
Series : Unknown
From Fantastic Fiction :
In a secret underworld, ninjas and vampires are one and the same.
Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia Block
Publisher : HarperTeen
ISBN : 978-0061547850
Release Date : September 22, 2009
Series : No
From Author's Page :
Charlotte Emerson seems to have the perfect existence. She is enviably beautiful and lives alone in a mansion full of reasures and beautiful clothes, perched atop the cliffs of the Pacific Palisades. But Charlotte has been lonely and dead for almost a century. Now she might get a second chance at life.
Ruined : A Novel by Paula Morris
Publisher : Point
ISBN : 978-0545042154
Release Date : August 1, 2009
Series : No
From Amazon :
Rebecca couldn't feel more out of place in New Orleans, where she comes to spend the year while her dad is traveling. She's staying in a creepy old house with her aunt. And at the snooty prep school, the filthy-rich girls treat Rebecca like she's invisible. Only gorgeous, unavailable Anton Grey seems to give Rebecca the time of day, but she wonders if he's got a hidden agenda. Then one night, in Lafayette Cemetery, Rebecca makes a friend. Sweet, mysterious Lisette is eager to talk to Rebecca, and to show her the nooks and crannies of the city. There's just one catch: Lisette is a ghost. A ghost with a deep, dark secret, and a serious score to settle. As Rebecca learns more from her ghost friend - and as she slowly learns to trust Anton Grey-she also uncovers startling truths about her own history. Will Rebecca be able to right the wrongs of the past, or has everything been ruined beyond repair?
Werewolf Smackdown by Mario Acevedo
Publisher : Unknown
ISBN : Unknown
Release Date : Unknown
Series : Yes, Felix Gomez Book #5
***This book is in the works, and it's driving me crazy because I want to know when it's released!***
Friday Fill In - June 26th

Friday 56 - June 26th

The Friday 56 is hosted by Storytime With Tonya and Friends!
Rules :
* Grab the book nearest you, Right Now!
* Turn to Page 56.
* Find the 5th sentence.
* Post that sentence (along with one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog , and post back to Storytime With Tonya and Friends.
Here's my Friday 56 :
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday Rambler - June 25th

So tell me, what are you favorite TV series, do they match mine? I watch a lot of other shows on TV as well, these are just ones that stick in my mind as being my top favorites. Although I'm pretty sure that in the future I will be adding more to the list (hint hint : Vampire Diaries!)
Feature : Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia by Patricia Neely-Dorsey
Book Available : www.reeds.ms/books.asp
Also at : Amazon.com
Author Website : www.patricianeelydorsey.webs.com
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Review : The Lie by Fredrica Wagman

Author : Fredrica Wagman
Publisher : Zoland Books
Genre : Contemporary
ISBN : 978-1-58642-157-1
Series : No
Rating : 4
From The Publisher :
Ramona Smollens has a chance meeting on a park bench with an older man, Solomon Columbus. The two became lovers, and soon Ramona is leaving the home of her mother and recently deceased father for marriage and the trappings of adult life. She takes with her a dark family secret, the sort of secret one simply did not talk about, one that would stalk her as she matured into her role as wife and mother. Coming of age in 1950s America, Ramona gets her cues about a woman's role from the world around her, and about female sexuality from the silver screen. But when experience teaches her that Hollywood's ideal is in fact "the lie," truth and desire collide with a force that is deeply moving and unforgettable.
Review :
Romona Smollens has lived her whole life completely ignored. The day she meets Mr. Soloman Columbus is the first day she feels as though she is someone. He sits down beside her on a bench across from Belgravia Hotel. If not for his ten penis-like fingers, and the sadness that seems to emanate off of him, Romana isn't sure if she would have even noticed him. He is nothing special, except that he listens to her every word, and makes her feel as though she is the center of his world.
Shortly after their meeting Rsmona finds herself marrying Mr. Solomon Columbus, but why?, is it because she truly loves him or because he is infatuated with her as no one else has ever been. Ramona isn't sure, she's not even sure she knows what love is and what it should feel like. She just knows that he loves her, and she must do everything to keep him by her side, even if it means to Lie.
Every night Mr. Colombus rolls atop Ramona, and goes about 'making-love' to her. She's unsure what this could possibly mean, especially because she can't feel a thing down there, she's completely frozen. That doesn't mean he has to know about it though, and so she pretends she's having the time of her life, as though she were her beloved Rita Hayworth, the goddess of the flamenco and sex.
Her lies build up inside her, creating a sort of wall against the real world. She can't seem to tell the truth regardless of how hard she tries, and it makes it worse when she realizes that her husband may have someone else on the side. How could he do such a thing to her? How can he come home every night to her smelling of that woman, of her rich gardenia perfume! It becomes an obsession for Ramona, to find her husband's mistress, and make him stop the lies.
I wasn't sure if I would be interested in reading this book when the publisher contacted me to review it. I was skeptical, by solely looking at the cover! I know, it's horrible to read a book by it's cover alone, but I tend to do that more often than I should. Before I could tell myself no, I decided I needed to read a little about the book, and decide from it's description whether it would be something I would enjoy. The description alone caught my attention, and I decided I should give it a go.
I took this book with me to the bar to read it, yes, to the bar. I'm not a big drinker and so every Monday night I arrive at the bar with a book in hand just in case I go out in poker. Before I even sat down to play my Monday game, I started reading this book and had a hard time putting it down. I immedietly wanted to know what would happen to Ramona, and how her beloved Rita Hayworth would be portrayed in the book. That first night I read half of the book before poker even started, and was dissapointed when I had to put it down to even play the game in the first place.
I really enjoyed this book, and was surprised by the ending, although I'm not going to give anything away because I really believe that you should give this book a try. It's a story of a young girl running from her past, and trying to jump directly into adult life with no knowledge about it. Her past haunts her, and her future is what will suffer because of it.
Waiting On Wednesday - June24th

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
This weeks's pre-publication "can't wait to read" is :
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Contest Closed : My Name Is Will by Jess Winfield

To enter please leave a comment including a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS telling me you would like to enter my contest.
Extra Entries
- +1 Become a Follower (Existing Followers mention you are)
- +1 Become a Twitter Follower (Mention Username, Existing Followers mention as well)
- +2 Post about this contest on your blog (leave a link to it please!)
Deadline : July 6th, 2009
US & Canada Residents Only. No PO Boxes.
Contest Closed : My First Giveaway! Off Season by Anne Rivers Siddons
All you have to do is post a comment to enter, including your email address! I will choose all winners using Random.org.
Extra Entries!
Thats right, you can get more entries into this contest! Here's how :
+1 Become a Follower (existing followers mention that you are already)
+1 Become a Twitter Follower (let me know your username there)
+2 Post on your blog about this contest.
Deadline : July 6th, 2009
US & Canada Residents Only. No PO Boxes.
Teaser Tuesdays - June 23rd

2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from anywhere on that page.
4. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (be sure that what you share doesn't give to much away, you don't want to ruin the book for others.)
5. Share the title & author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Review : Ghosts I Have Been by Richard Peck

Mailbox Monday - June 22nd
Monday Crazy Questions : Hodgepodge

Musing Mondays - June 22nd

Hosted by Just One More Page
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about library borrowing…
Do you restrict yourself on how many books you take out from the library at a time? Do you borrow books if you already have some out? Do you always reborrow books you don’t get to?
To be completely honest, I don't borrow books from the library anymore! As I've gotten older, and have more responsibilites, I tend to forget when library books are due back. When I was in grade school, up to high school I would take books out all the time, usually up to 3 at time (as that was usually the limit).
I was a quick reader, as I still am, and would finish at least those 3 books a week, more often more because I didn't have a full time job and other responsibilities as I do now that I've gotten older. More often than not I was being yelled at by teachers to put my books away, or actually having them taken until the end of class.
I don't know where I got my reading habits from, because I'm the only one of my family that would rather pick up a book than turn on the television. In fact, they are baffled when I haven't seen the latest funny commercials, and more often than not will make me search on YouTube for them.
Now that I've just given you more of a story than you probably would have wanted to hear, lol, sorry! Anywho, I only buy books from the library donation shop, as well as swap online and rarely buy from big chain book stores and online stores. I do need to stop with the buying and swapping of any books though, as my TBR pile is dangerously past the 500 mark and counting.
Feel free to post links to your Musing Mondays in my comments, I'd love to read them!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Review : Night Huntress by Yasmine Galenorn

Author : Yasmine Galenorn
Publisher : Berkley Publishing
ISBN : 978-0425225462
Series : Yes, #5
Rating : 4
From Booklist :
"Delilah’s not sure which is more troublesome, fighting demons or figuring out what’s bothering boyfriend Chase. As the war and love life grow more complicated, new threats emerge from Netherworld. One bit of good news: another Spirit Seal has emerged, and she, her sisters, and allies have a jump on the enemy. The bad? That won’t stop the enemy from threatening what Delilah holds dear. Delilah matures in a number of ways in this entertaining continuation of the Sisters of the Moon series. Part questing adventure, part urban fantasy with a liberal serving of romantic entanglements, the story should appeal to a wide range of fantasy fans."
Review :
Delilah D'Artigo isn't your average girl, she's half-Fae, half-human, Were-tabby, and Were-panther, as well as being one of the Autumn Lord's Death Maiden's. She has enough on her hands with having to be all of these things. Just when she thinks it can't get any worse, her boyfriend Chase mutters another woman's name in his sleep. This throws her for a loop, and she's not sure whether she should be upset because he could be cheating on her, even though she had told him she had slept with Zachary Lyonnesse of the Rainer Were Puma Clan. Life as a Fae isn't about fidelity, as they aren't monogamous, but with her half-human blood she feels the green head of jealousy looming on the horizon. It doesn't make matters any better when the cat in her feels as though someone has just stepped on her turf.
With the appearance of the fourth spirit seal, the D'Artigo girls must get together to collect it before Shadowwings cronies can get their mitts on it. But when Chase gets himself captured by Karvanak, a deadly Raksasa general of Shadowwings army, Delilah has to decide whether Chase's infidelity is even a major problem, now that his life is on the line.
This is the fifth installment to the Sisters of the Moon series. Delilah D'Artigo is honestly my favorite character of all the combining books. She has problems, and she's not afraid to admit it, but she knows when it's time to fight she needs to put them aside and do whats right.
I wanted to like this book more than I did, but I just couldn't. The storyline itself is fabulous, with lots of history and information to make your brain just have a field day. There are plenty of Fae, Demons, and other otherworldy creatures that will be sure to give you your weekly dose of supernatural. The one thing I can't get over is how these girls just collect men like I collect books! I know, I know, that shouldn't be a major problem because it's just a book, but I'm purely monogamous myself, and it's hard for me to get into their many relationships.
All in all, I do recommend this book purely for the story line itself. If you love Fae, Witches, Weres, Dragons and the like, your sure to love this book. I highly recommend you start from the beginning of the series with Witchling, the story of Camille D'Artigo. I can't wait to see what happens next with the sisters in the newly released Demon Mistress. There is also a seventh book on the horizon for 2010, Bone Magic.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Saturday 9 - June 20th

1. Do you like James Bond films? If yes, what’s your favorite? - I honestly don't remember if I've ever sat through an entire James Bond Film, so I'd have to say...No.
2. Are you daring enough to go snorkeling in the water fountain at the mall? - Nope, I've never even been snorkling!
3. Do you sometimes hate everything and everyone around you? - Yes, I usually feel this way when I'm at work..ugh.
4. Do you secretly or openly believe the world revolves around you? - Of course not! Sometimes I wish it did, but I think we all secretly wish that everyone would stop and focus on us for a change instead of the other way around.
5. Would you rather buy a moped or a Harley Davidson? - I'd have to say a moped! They look like so much fun, and I'm not the Harley kinda gal.
6. Do you water ski or ice ski? - I've never tried either! I have ice skated though. My fiance used to take me ice skating for our anniversary every year, but the rink has closed so we don't do that anymore.
7. Tell us about the last time that you tailgated. - Wow, I'm a loser, I've never tailgated..lol.
8. What was the last concert that you attended? - Yeah, I'm beginning to feel as though these questions for formulated to make me sound like I'm unexperienced in my 22 years of life. The last concert I was at was an NSYNC concert when I was 12, and I didn't even have tickets! I watched the contest from outside the fence, up atop a hill...lol.
9. What’s the most exotic food that you’ve ate? - I'd have to say calamari, lol, and it was GROSS! Tasted like a rubber band.
Friday Finds - June 19th

Shadowfae by Erica Hayes
Publisher : St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN : 978-0312578008
Release Date : October 13, 2009
Series : Yes, #1
From Author's Page :
Instead, Jade must spend her nights seducing gangsters and murderers, or simpering as a trophy girl for hell's minions.
Shadowglass by Erica Hayes
Publisher : St. Martin's Griff
ISBN : Unknown
Release Date : April, 2010
Series : Yes, #2
From Author's Page :
Malicious magic strikes, and Ice can no longer tell a lie. If she can't undo the spell, she'll have to turn respectable.
Two words: no way.
These and other pressing questions are all answered in Marilyn Kaye’s delightfully satirical Demon Chick.